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Parents'dilemma: babysitter or kindergarten?

Ideally, at least in the first 2-3 years of life, the little ones should stay home with their parents for as long as possible until they learn to speak well so that they can convey what they feel, what fears / fears they are dissatisfied with, what they like more ...
Child-raising leave up to 2 ...

What are the qualities of an efficient housekeeper that ensures success in a collaboration?

The housekeeper has become an important and indispensable person in the family, when the time does not allow us to clean up our house.
Finding the right housekeeper can be a real challenge for a family, given that the person must meet some mandatory requirements and be compatible with family members ...

When is it necessary to hire an elderly carer for an elderly persons?

With our aging, our grandparents / parents feel the need for more help because they see themselves helpless in dealing with the various problems and illnesses that occur. Some of them realize that they need help and others need to be convinced with clear arguments.
You want help them, know them safe ...

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